Annual MLK Week Seminars 2012 - present
Dr. J. Drew Lanham, Prof. of Forestry & Natural Resources, Clemson University, Thurs. Jan. 19, 2012. "The Color of the Land - The Search for African-American Land Ethic in South Carolina and Beyond."
Dr. Doris Zallen, Prof. of Science & Technology in Society, Virginia Tech, Thurs. Jan 24, 2013. “Genomic Medicine: Views from the Mountain Top and the Valley.”
Dr. Yvonne Reid, Scientist, Manager of the Cell Biology Program, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Manassas VA. Thurs. Jan. 23, 2014. "HeLa cells and Biomedical Research: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” and Fri. Jan. 24, 2014. “Misidentification of Animal Cell Lines: Impact on Research.”
Drs. Sharon and Craig Ramey, Professors & Distinguished Research Scholars, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, Professors in Psychology at VT & in the VT-Carilion School of Medicine. Thurs. Jan. 22, 2015. "Poverty, Biology, and Health: Will the Circle be Unbroken?" and Fri. Jan. 23, 2015. "The Civil Rights of Health, Education, and Biology: MLK's Enduring Legacy."
Dr. Ehrich Jarvis, Prof. of Neuroscience, Duke University. Thurs. Jan. 21, 2016. “Dissecting the Molecular Mechanisms of Vocal Learning and Spoken Language: A Personal Journey from a Diversity Perspective.”
Dr. Tyrone Hayes, Prof., Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley. Fri. Jan. 20, 2017. “From Silent Spring to Silent Night: A Tale of Toads and Men.”
Dr. Scott Edwards, Prof. of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, Curator of Ornithology, and the Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Fri. Jan. 19, 2018. "Genes or Gene Regulation? Understanding the Evolutionary Genetics of Flightlessness in Birds."
Dr. Paul Turner, Prof, Ecology and Evolution, Yale University. Fri. Jan 25, 2019.“Harnessing virus biodiversity to develop new therapies against multi-drug resistant bacteria.”
Dr. Vanessa Ezenwa, Prof, Odum School of Ecology and Dept of Infectious Diseases, Univ of Georgia. Fri. Jan 24, 2020. “Worms, germs, and buffalo: a coinfection story.”
Dr. Bryan Dewsbury, Assoc. Prof, Dept. Biological Sciences, Univ of Rhode Island. Fri. Jan 22, 2021. “Intelligence plus character - Education as force for liberation.”
Dr. Karine Gibbs, Associate Prof, UC Berkeley. Fri Jan 21, 2022. "Micro-crowdsourcing: How swarming bacteria integrate signals to build communities."
Dr. C. Brandon Ogbunu, Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University. Friday January 20, 2023. "Living, Learning, & Adaptive Landscapes: How Evolutionary Biology Can Help us Navigate it All."
Dr. Colette St. Mary, Professor Emerita, Department of Biology, University of Florida and Program Director, Integrative Organismal Systems Division of BIO, National Science Foundation. Friday January 19, 2024. (cancelled) "Integrative Evolutionary Biology and the Parallels to Diversity and Inclusion."