Erin Hotchkiss
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

2006 Derring Hall (MC 0406)
926 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
926 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Major Fields of Interest
Stream and River Ecology, Limnology, Ecosystem Ecology
Current Research
- Linking biological and physical processes with carbon and nutrient sources, cycling, and fate
- Quantifying effects of environmental change on water quality and ecosystem function
- Identifying patterns and consequences of terrestrial-aquatic connectivity within river networks
- Monitoring changing resources in freshwater food webs
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2015-2016). Carbon biogeochemistry in northern aquatic ecosystems. Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada. Supervisor: Paul del Giorgio.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2013-2015). Processes controlling carbon emissions and export in river networks. Umeå University, Sweden. Supervisor: Jan Karlsson.
- Ph.D., Ecology, University of Wyoming (2013). Advisor: Dr. Robert O. Hall, Jr. Dissertation: Linking patterns and drivers of carbon cycling in streams and rivers
- M.S., Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming (2007). Advisor: Dr. Robert O. Hall, Jr. Thesis: Impacts of exotic snails on stream carbon cycling
- B.S., Environmental Studies, Emory University (2003) via Oxford College of Emory University
- 2016. Hynes Award for New Investigators, Society for Freshwater Science. Recognizes a young scientist for an outstanding primary publication. Awarded for Hotchkiss & Hall (2015) Ecology.
- 2016. Raymond L. Lindeman Award, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography. Recognizes an outstanding paper written by a young aquatic scientist. Awarded for Hotchkiss & Hall (2014) Limnology & Oceanography.